Saturday, July 21, 2007

delayed gratification

(hands over ears) I'm not listening.... nobody's hearing nothing.....

ok, so that's from a different cult classic but I don't care - just don't tell me what happens. Given I'm in no state to cycle into town I probably won't get my (reserved!) copy until Monday. Meanwhile I'll go back to re-reading through I-VI and pretend HP VII hasn't come out yet...

I said don't tell me ok... Martin, Lucy, Audra - that means you too! Howlers heading in the direction of anyone who tries to spoil anything.

Lousy timing for dizzy spells I can tell you, and they aren't the magical kind either... law of sod I'm home alone again this weekend. Bah humbug, or should that be Cockroach Clusters?

Chocolate frog anyone?


Anonymous said...

Oh I think you're safe reading this, and this.

And while you're waiting, these 100 word summaries of the story so far may be useful.

The tome hasn't arrived here yet, mostly because each of us expected the other to Amazon it. So we're off to Borders later..

Pollianicus said...


I'm suffering here too Anna. Martin has gone for a hair cut and then we're heading off to Borders to buy a copy and I am twitching like a twitchy thing....

Re the dizzy thing - is it an inner-ear infection affecting your balance? If so travel-sickness tablets rock!!


Pollianicus said...

By some weird twist in fate HP7 arrived in the post on Saturday morning - Martin had forgotten that he had ordered. I had first reading-rights!!

So I've now finished - so let me know when you have read it Anna and we can gossip about it.


Anna Dunford said...

about to cycle in and get mine once the washing has stopped and is hung out...

I've had a marathon HP session over the last few days (feeling under par has some advantages!) and so far have gone through 1-5 and am half way through 6... might as well finish it now before starting 7 but methinks the midnight oil will be getting well and truly burnt tonight.

Thankfully I don't have to get up in the morning to do anything other than make porridge and I'm sure Elizabeth could make her own if need be =)

Oh and Kate - I know you put it in the title so I should have known not to read it but did you have to blog about it just yet? sigh...