Friday, May 04, 2012

bisy, backson*

Well I'm home. In fact I've been home since Sunday afternoon. However my bodyclock seems to have got stuck somewhere along the journey and is seriously malfunctioning. Wednesday might as well not have existed seeing as I only saw a bleary 3.5hrs of it!

Whilst I grapple with trying to at least be awake for the hours I'm supposed to be at work (which is proving harder than you'd expect given that there are only 21 of them in a week!) I'm also trying to write 2 reports for Yearly Meeting which starts a week today, get my head around a tricky issue that has arisen within a committee that needs addressed before then, sort out our Mid India YM rep's travel itinery around the North Island before and after YM now we finally know he has a visa, swot up on the docs in advance for Standing Committee (the nearest we have to Meeting for Sufferings - held the afternoon before YM starts - once again I am our MM rep by default, ie the only one going), get my head around what issues I might need to address as MM treasurer in our joint MM with BoP/A on Sunday as we discuss how the two MMs might merge and what needs to be done, come up with contributions for two shared meals in the next two days one of which needs to be finger food and substantial enough in case it is the only thing there I can eat (which my contribution usually is). 

Oh and somewhere amongst this I'm supposed to be reflecting on the Peace in Education conference we went on in Dunedin immediately prior to me going to Kenya, update a powerpoint presentation and prepare a workshop on how to use our kindergarten blog and work through a pile of paperwork that seems to be getting bigger not smaller...

Tomorrow is a workshop on computing for genealogists - hopefully I've still got some neurons to spare!

So forgive me for not having blogged about my travels yet.

If you are interested in Peace in Early Childhood Education in Aotearoa NZ please check out our shiny new(ish... I guess it's been a few weeks now!) facebook group 'Peace in ECE - Aotearoa'

If you want to know more about the World Conference of Friends please go to the website where you will find the main speakers' talks, the epistle and the 'Kabarak Call for Peace and Ecojustice'

Once you've made your way through all of that you will have a better idea as to quite why my head is still reeling from trying to take it all in!

*please read Winnie the Pooh if you don't get the title =)

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