Thursday, December 07, 2006

home sweet home

I don't know that I've been quite so glad to get home again for a while, but Monday nearly finished me off - breakfast in Auckland, lunch in Wellington and tea in Christchurch. Remind me not to try that one again won't you?

But I'm home now even though it doesn't quite look or feel like it in many ways. Yet again I came home to a houseful of people, furniture in different places, the kitchen cupboards anybodies guess and a distinct feeling of disorientation after almost a fortnight on the move and no sense of what day it is... Thankfully many of the places I've stayed over the last 2 weeks are well familiar and comfortably homelike to me in themselves, I know where to find the kettle and I get treated like one of the family rather than a guest. The difference for some of the time being that I had my parents with me which was somewhat disorientating in itself - I'm not used to spending as much time as that with them let alone them being in this country! However they too are now back home comparing the wind and rain in Galloway to that of Wellington.

It was a good holiday - but I'm glad to be back and not to be going anywhere again in a hurry.

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